How to Point Domain and Host Node Express Project on Apache Web Server VPS Hosting

What is PM2?

PM2 is a powerful, widely-used, and feature-rich, production-ready process manager for Node.js. Restarting PM2 with the processes it manages every time your server boots/reboots is critical. One of PM2’s key features is support for a startup script (generated dynamically based on the default init system on your server), that restarts PM2 and your processes at every server restart.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Login to Your Domain Provider Website

Navigate to Manage DNS settings.

2. Add DNS Records

                Type    Host/Name   Value
                A       @           Your Remote Server IP
                A       www         Your Remote Server IP
                AAAA    @           Your Remote Server IPv6
                AAAA    www         Your Remote Server IPv6

3. Prepare Your Project

Zip your project folder using any compression software (e.g., WinZip).

4. Copy Zip File to Remote Server

Use the following command:

                scp -P Port_number Source_File_Path Destination_Path


                scp -P 22 username@your.server.ip:

5. Access Remote Server via SSH

Connect to your server:

                ssh -p PORT username@your.server.ip

6. Verify Required Software

Check installed software:

                apache2 -v
                node -v
                npm -v
                pm2 --version
                mongod --version

7. Install Required Software

Install Apache:

                sudo apt install apache2

Install Node and npm:

                curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash - && \
                sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Install PM2:

                sudo npm install -g pm2@latest

8. Add PM2 Process on Startup

                sudo pm2 startup

9. Install MongoDB

Follow the instructions from here.

10. Verify Apache2 is Active and Running

                sudo service apache2 status

11. Verify Web Server Ports are Open

                sudo ufw status verbose

12. Unzip the Copied Zip File


13. Move Project Folder to Web Server Directory

                sudo mv miniblog /var/www

14. Go to Your Project Directory

                cd /var/www/miniblog

15. Install Dependencies

                npm install

16. Create Virtual Host File

                sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/your_domain.conf

Add the following code to the file:

                    ProxyPreserveHost On
                    ProxyPass /
                    ProxyPassReverse /
                        AllowOverride All

17. Check Apache Configuration

                sudo apache2ctl configtest

18. Enable Proxy Module

                sudo a2enmod proxy
                sudo a2enmod proxy_http

19. Enable Virtual Host

                sudo a2ensite your_domain.conf

20. Restart Apache2

                sudo service apache2 restart

21. Start Node Express Application using PM2

                cd /var/www/miniblog
                sudo NODE_ENV=production pm2 start app.js --update-env

22. Save PM2 Process

                sudo pm2 save

23. Check PM2 Status

                sudo pm2 status

24. Connect to MongoDB Shell

To create a super user, follow this guide.

                mongosh --port 27017 --authenticationDatabase "database_name_where_user_stored" -u "username" -p "password"

25. Show Databases

                show dbs

26. Create New Database

                use database_name

27. Create New User

                db.createUser({user:"username", pwd:passwordPrompt(), roles:[{role:"readWrite", db:"database_name"}]})

28. Verify Users

                show users

29. Exit Mongo Shell


30. Restart MongoDB

                sudo service mongod restart

31. Open .env File

                cd /var/www/miniblog
                sudo nano .env

Make the following changes:

                HOST =
                PORT = 8000

                DATABASE_URL = "mongodb://"
                DBNAME = "Your_Database_Name"
                DBUSERNAME = "Your_Database_Username"
                DBPASSWORD = "Your_Database_Password"
                DBAUTHSOURCE = "database_name_where_user_stored"

32. Restart Apache2

                sudo service apache2 restart

33. Start Node Express Application using PM2

                cd /var/www/miniblog
                sudo NODE_ENV=production pm2 start app.js --update-env

34. Save PM2 Process

                sudo pm2 save

35. Check Error Logs

If you encounter any errors:

                cd /var/log
                cd apache2
                cat error.log

36. Clear Error Logs (Optional)

                sudo bash -c 'echo > /var/log/apache2/error.log'

Extra PM2 Information:

  • Add PM2 Process on Startup: sudo pm2 startup
  • List All PM2 Processes: sudo pm2 list
  • Kill PM2 Process: sudo pm2 kill
  • Delete App from PM2 Process: sudo pm2 delete app_name
  • Save PM2 Process: sudo pm2 save
  • Restore Last Saved PM2 Process: sudo pm2 resurrect
  • Clear PM2 Dump File: sudo pm2 cleardump
  • Remove PM2 Process from Startup: sudo pm2 unstartup